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Online course

Personal mental material

Anchor 1

After you finish your work with past clearing, it would be best to start working on processing “today’s” mental material. This mental material can take or has different forms and shapes: all kinds of internal and external problems, limiting beliefs, fears, complexes, patterns of behavior etc.


All of us have different goals, aims and desires, but many of those remain unfulfilled. In most cases, working with what suppresses our movement toward our goals, helps to reach them much faster and with less “struggles and suffering”.


In order to make the work with personal mental material maximally effective and simple, we’ve designed several tools that will help you with that. Throughout the practice, you will realize that all problems are only illusions and in reality, there is no such thing as “problems”. In general, many personality aspects create issues and it might take time to get rid of all of them. However, in terms of our technique it is quite possible.


This part of MB practice is important, because automatic mechanisms often cannot grab all the array of problematic areas. All of us are different and have unique and very “beautiful” complexes, experiences, beliefs. You have to work on those, if you want to get a total transformation. Yes, there are people, who do not work with personal problems at all; they just launch ready automatic mechanisms and get excellent results. However, I know that processing personal mental material is very beneficial in a long run, so I would strongly advise you to work with a tool I am about to give..


Mechanism “Auto-Kicker”

Anchor 2

First and basic semi-automatic mechanism for your personal mental material processing, which I advise you to use as often as possible will be “Auto-Kicker” (or “Auto-Kicker pro”). It is simple to use: you take a notebook, and write down all the problems, and, in general, anything that bothers you and after that “insert” everything that you wrote down into the specific area in the “body” of “Auto-Kicker” mechanism and launch it, pronouncing a trigger word (“Auto-Kicker Start”). If you prefer handwriting, you can simply read your material from a notebook, working with “Auto-Kicker” (you will find an additional instruction on that on “Auto-Kicker” page. (Mechanisms/Autoprocessors section).


Good tactics would be the following: launch 2-3 automatic mechanisms from our website in the evening and go to sleep. The next day you will notice that mental material is re-stimulated and many of the aspects launched for processing the other day will be “surfacing”. When you will have spare time at the end of the day, just take a notebook or a laptop and write down everything what bothered you throughout the day and launch “Auto-Kicker” with this new material inserted. You see, when you, for example, launch an automatic mechanism about fears, the next day you might notice that many different fears appear to be very intensive. So, don’t miss your chance to grab and “kick” them all=); this will result solid, good, all-sided and deep processing. In addition to “Auto-Kicker”, I would strongly recommend you to use mechanism “Auto-Cleaner”. It is the tool for automatic clearing of your daily experiences. You will have to read it once and launch with a key word each day approximately at the same time (additional info here, or Mechanisms/Autoprocessors/Auto-cleaner).


At this point we need to focus on the technique of writing down aspects for “Auto-Kicker”. Making lists of aspects of personal mental material: the best option would be to divide problems and negative experiences into smaller pieces, especially intensive and “charged” ones. Be creative and try to analyze an issue from as many sides as possible. Also, you could try to find roots and reasons of this problem and why it even appeared or has a right to exist. It does not matter if you found the “right and exact” reason or the root of a problem or not. In most cases, problems have many roots and there is no single “right” reason for the existence of an issue. By highlighting aspects, you just give subconscious mind a direction of where to “dig”, and all the rest is done on its own. Again, the more the problem is “charged”, the more divided into smaller pieces it should be on your list. 


Also, sometimes automatic mechanisms uncover new and “fat” problems, which origin from early childhood. By practicing, you will be opening new and interesting facts about yourself and your behavior, which are usually hidden from conscious sight. Processing of those gives incredible results and relief. That is why, do not neglect the work with “Auto-Kicker”, it is very useful in many ways.


Now I would like to focus on several important areas of processing, that need some additional explanations: beliefs, money and health processing.

Anchor 3

Beliefs and behavioral patterns

In fact, this is a very important direction of work you should consider in your practice. Beliefs and inherited behavioral patterns cause problems no less than past traumatic episodes, and in many cases even greater ones. In addition, these serve as “keepers” that are holding and preserving negative mental material, and most of our experiences come through the prism of those beliefs. It seems that these help us in everyday life, make us principled and suggest judgmental actions of what is right and what is wrong, but in fact, these do suppress our freedom of thought, ability to see opportunity and flexibility in life. In MB technique, each automatic tool processes beliefs and other things related to them, but you should process them using “Auto-Kicker” as well, in order to focus subconscious on this mental material.


Negative beliefs, or beliefs, which create our worldview, are the most influential as they “fixate” us, our world perception, and determine our destiny. Those are our inner claims, when we “know for sure” how things should and shouldn’t be in this world. Those beliefs in most cases are the reasons of uncontrolled negativity, regular conflicts and even “wars (both inner and external ones). Negativity appears, when reality does not correlate with your inner beliefs or fixed views. This can lead to many psychological problems (e.g. depression, anxiety, irritation and others). Large portion of these beliefs come from childhood, where “the seed was planted” and consequently being supported throughout the entire life (so it grew strong). Our mind is rather tricky and when it accepts some concept, idea, both, intentionally and unintentionally (e.g. out of fear), it starts to grow, spread and taking roots.


By processing those beliefs and patterns, you will notice with a span of time, that, in fact, there are no limits except yourself and your beliefs. You will learn to accept and leave any point of view freely and easily, as you will understand that any point of view is just a version of reality no better or worse, than any other.


You might of course leave some beliefs and patterns alone, which seem “comforting” for you. So called “comfort zone” is a big thing nowadays and a lot of talking being done about stepping out of it. I will put it this way: It doesn’t matter how much time you’ve spent enjoying yourself, what really matters is you making a difference, primarily for yourself, at one point or another. Even though it is challenging and not for everyone, personal development is not going to work for you without it (sorry meditations, affirmations and such). At some point, you will get stuck on a path to Freedom and transformation may become nearly impossible. Therefore, general clearing and working on those is the best approach possible, which in turn pays off. Probably “the truth” will uncover to you eventually, beyond all of your beliefs and patterns, not in the form of words, but in the form of a direct knowledge coming from within. However, this will be totally new state of existence, where you are the master, not the “follower”.



Anchor 4

Many people are overly concerned about money, and they literally waste and spoil their lives day-by-day (concerning). Even people, who seem to be wealthy enough, often have “headache” because of it. Why does this happen? In general, one of the most charged topic in our heads is the one about the money. It is really a filthy one and it is overstuffed with many negative principles, beliefs, teachings, past issues, desires, reliance, greed and so on. In addition, Issues associated with the money are interconnected and overlapping with many other personality traits and areas in each of us. That is why, “working on the money issue” alone, without working with inner self and personality will be a waste of time.


In MB technique, we consider true wellness (money, wealth and wellbeing) to be a logical extension of our personality, projection of it into our external world. This is a cumulative output of our “inner being” in general. Still, money is simply digits and papers, which some people consider to be either filthy (godless) substance (for example, hippies, so-called “spiritual people” and others, who never had them) or to be god (business/career people, who have them, but aren’t happy and have huge problems in other life aspects, because of the alleged “gold rush”). Money exists, period; there is nothing filthy or divine about it.


To get wellness you need to “figure out” your “relation” to it. Work through all misleading associations with money, the desire and disgust about it and every emotion that you have towards the money (don’t forget the work with personality issues). You need to restructure yourself totally (which is the main goal of the technique) and money will just be logical result of such work. How can one have money without respect towards oneself, where one puts money before oneself? Throughout the practice, one day you will start noticing that you are ready for financial well-being and you will start moving toward it, without any blocks and stoppers, without “excessive hatred or love” to it, naturally. In general, MindBooster tools (mechanisms) will let you achieve new goals and implement “financial” projects much easier. Even if you have some difficulties, MB will allow you to eliminate them easily with “Auto-Kicker”. We’ve created number of automatic mechanisms, which work with mental material related to money and these should be extremely useful for you, in order to achieve neutral perception of money, which will lead to real changes in that life sphere.


In general, to start working on the money topic, I would advise you to write down and process all of your beliefs about money, all of your desires, fears and past experiences (there are usually lots of them) first. However, I underline once more, without personality and all-dimensional clearing it will be hard to change financial situation dramatically. Your inner blocks and barriers, negative beliefs and weak power of intention will simply not let this happen. Those who just want to “get more cash” will be disappointed, only comprehensive and cumulative work makes it possible to get true well-being. Well-being is a measure of your neutrality and freedom to have it.


Anchor 5

MindBooster was not developed to deal with health issues directly. However, in a long run the technique has a definite influence on a practitioner’s physical condition. We noticed that eventually, practitioner’s body becomes robust, energized and less susceptible to get a cold and other malaises and common illnesses.  In addition, most minor illnesses give up, and body cures itself. This was very surprising for us, but logical; In that case, I usually recall a few situations, when after a very stressful event I suddenly got cold or got minor disease and such. Thus, we’ve created series of automatic mechanisms, which work on bodily issues primarily. Those issues include, but not limited to depression and anxiety disorders, headaches, obesity, heart disorders, diabetes, asthma.


This is exact explanation and one conclusion of the following – minor illnesses are just effect, and our mental material (e.g. stresses, tensions) is the cause (at least one of the causes). On that matter, I’m not a physician, but I’ve consulted with a number of PhDs in medicine, I can only give assumptions on why body cures throughout the work with MB. The key explanation to that is individual’s energy of the body (mind included) is focused on sustaining negative past experiences, personality fragments, charge between the dualities and other mental material that is extremely consuming; this energy is divided equally among different areas, thus your health is left out of this energy (at least not getting as much) allocation. Once one processes those “problematic areas”, energy automatically allocates to your immune system and important body processes. In addition, I should mention that there are some important practical details, which need clarification.


Just as in the case of “money processing”, one shouldn’t process health issues apart of general personality processing. Most of the minor illnesses are “fueled” by different factors and pieces of mental material. Working with subconscious itself, will indirectly improve physical condition. However, processing health issues alone will hardly give solid results. In other words, it is not efficient to fix wipers of the car before fixing the engine. In addition, there is absolutely no point to dwell on MindBooster, if one has serious health issues and needs instant medical treatment. “Fanaticism” will be a huge mistake here.


As I mentioned, some recoils can appear in re-stimulations of physical diseases. You may “feel sick” the next day after launching some mechanisms. This means you’ve stumbled across some negative mental material (for example, eating disorder because of the negative experience in childhood), which is in fact influencing your body, and causing problems to your health. Usually, such recoils relieve rather quickly. In addition, it would be very useful to process all your negative bodily sensations with “Auto-Kicker”, writing all your sensations and bodily feelings down as simple aspects.


MindBooseter DOES NOT cure deadly diseases. However, I will repeat: by using MB thoughtfully enough you can count on the improvement of physical condition in a long run.

Anchor 6

Strategy of work

At this point we are done with all practical aspects of MindBooster technique. Further on, everything depends on you. However, here I would like to draw primary strategy of work (of course, if you decided to work with MB by yourself):


  • Begin with writing down and processing your most charged past episodes. You can either compile the entire list first then process each episode with “Base Processor”, or you can process episodes as they come to your mind.


  • Once you have processed about 1/3 of your past episodes, you can start launching automatic mechanisms from our website. Launch about 2-4 mechanisms per day, not more, because you can get a strong recoil, which might demoralize you in the very beginning of your practice. Just be careful, it is better to move slower, but steady. Remember, cumulative result is more important, than rushing with “pain and tears”.


  • Once you have finished processing 1/3 of your past episodes, you can start writing down your personal mental material, your daily problems, and load them into “Auto-Kicker” (you can also find it on website). I will not be able to provide you with standards about the volume of the aspects of a problem (pieces of a problem). I, personally, was writing down and processing 50-150 aspects per day. Just remember, if you want to process a problem, try to analyze it from as many sides and perspectives as possible. Throughout the practice you will gain an understanding (a feeling) of what you strongly need to write drown; those aspects will be flowing from you automatically, with your minimal conscious participation.


  • Read and install “Auto-Cleaner”, which you will also find on our website. It is the mechanism, which works with your daily experiences by a predetermined algorithm. Roughly speaking, it processes everything that happened to you throughout the day (last 26 hours, 2 extra hours, in case you forgot to launch it). Launch it every day, approximately at the same time.


  • Once you completely grasp how the technique works, you can try creating your own mechanisms for personal problems, goals, aims, needs, desires. In case, you don’t have spare time to develop, refine and test your mechanisms or you want to use ready and advanced tools, you can check out EVO mechanisms.


  • Remember, it is only about your desire and strong intention to get to the point of total transformation and Freedom. It is the key to success.


As you can see, everything is very simple. If you don’t understand something or you are confused, I have one advice – just start practicing and everything will eventually become clear. You will find many articles on our website, which can be extremely useful, as well as, each mechanism has a description and instructions for use. I don’t think, you will get lost. However, if you’ve suddenly confused, you can ask a question in a contact form on our website.

Anchor 7


I am (and I guess you are as well) fully aware that this technique is not for everyone. It is for those, who are ready move out of the comfort zone and go through oneself; who are ready to face themselves and changes, even radical ones. It might be hard and painful, but I am sure, that hardships hinder something really beneficial and rewarding, thus it’s worth a try.


One can continue the search of other things to dwell on. I have “been there, done that” (maybe for too long). However, I and many other people have no regrets of working with MB technique, of making that “choice”. We believe that there is still a lot of space to grow and things to “reach”. The variety of different techniques is enormous, and sometimes it is hard to distinguish the sanity of those, to extract only that is really worth learning, by “withstanding” informational noise. We did it. MB team, practitioners, as well as I, wish you that MB will help you with what you are aiming at.


Sometimes practice can be hard; sometimes it can be flawless and fascinating. Think twice if you want to reach total Awareness. Many initial motivators can break and one will need time to “build up” and accept new ones. If you are brave enough to challenge commonness in order to get the taste of Freedom, you will surely succeed. One can beat the road with the steps, who knows what miracles are waiting ahead?

At that point, I would like to wish you good luck, my reader, in your life and your practice. I hope that this course was interesting and useful to you. I, personally, was happy to share MB technique, I am sure it will help some to go beyond all the possible borders and limits. Farewell and see you out there.


P.S. I would strongly recommend you to read “Mind Clearance (Jumping down the Rabbit Hole)” from the book. This chapter describes what changes you can count on using MB. Good luck!

Supplemental material

Anchor 8

Below, you can find everything you need for your further practice, and more, in case you've miss something out.


Each item has detailed descriprion, so you won't get lost.


There are a lot of interesting things to explore in "Mechanisms" section. Not everything was mentioned in the course.


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