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Online course

Past clearing

Anchor 1

In this part of the course I am going to tell you about one of the most important practical aspects in our technique, which is called past clearing. You may proceed only after you finish processing emotions and dualities.


I know one thing for sure - without past processing no progress in personal growth is possible, and here is why: negative past episodes, traumas influence us every day, no matter how long ago an event took place. For instance, if a person tries to dive into some painful memory, recall every detail of it, all the negative sensations and experiences one got during that episode will appear to him/her as if this episode was actually happening at the moment. And in fact, even without diving into an episode it still influences us in our day-to-day life, because it is “written” into and used by our subconscious to filter and analyze information we receive from the “outside”. To understand the importance of past processing (discharging), think of all people that maintain internal (inner) dialogue, which mostly consists of past regrets, unsolved situations or different kinds of interpersonal offences. Most of their attention (concentration) and energy, consciously or unconsciously, is in that inner dialogue, and they cannot use the power of the mind to the fullest.


In fact all negative episodes from the past are carefully written in all the details into our subconscious mind, which in turn uses that to build our behavioral traits and the perception of world around us. This makes us react automatically to external stimuli, which reduces our ability to consciously control our actions and emotions. In addition to that, due to the fact our energy and the most part of attention is instantly stuck in the past episodes, our personal effectiveness and self-esteem also suffers. By processing and clearing past episodes with MindBooster, even ones that you have consciously “forgotten” (with our technique they are also processed), what you do is you are bringing back your natural abilities, such as creativity, power of intention, flexibility, and intuition, that were at some point suppressed. Energy level also grows and body cures from many illnesses and malaises. This is totally natural, because negative past episodes not only leave a mark in our psyche, but also create all kinds of bodily clamps, tensions and disruptions of internal organs functioning. Nowadays, doctors admit that most of the illnesses have psychosomatic nature (are caused by mental factors), and this appears to be very true, once you start working with your mind’s material and past.


Usually total past clearing takes huge amount of time and/or money. For example, in Nagualism (Carlos Castaneda) practitioners spend several hours a day for many years in a special Recapitulation box to perform a total past clearing, using a special technique. Another example would be psychoanalysis, where a lot of time is also required. Plus, you will have to pay huge amounts of money to an educated specialist. You will agree, that despite the fact that past clearing heals inner conflicts, increases energy level, power of intention and awareness, heals body, brings flexibility of behavior and great self-esteem, there are not many people, who are able to sacrifice so much time, efforts or money for that.


However, luckily this is not an issue for MindBooster technique. In fact, it allows to perform past processing in several weeks (or several months, depending on the level of your laziness or age). After discharging traumatic past episodes, you will not forget anything or erase memories from your mind forever. Past will simply become a record without any emotional "coloring", negativity and will stop influencing you, your decisions, actions, perception or analytical skills. For those who might state, that I am totally wrong and there is absolutely no point to work with the past, because it teaches us something, and that it is valuable and so on, I provide the following argument – your ability to think or operate logically, make right decisions, based on your past experiences will not suffer. You will not become a “silly baby” that has no knowledge about the world. Past clearing means that negative emotions, sensations, fear of failure or pain  and so on, will not take you by surprise, when you face similar (to the past) episodes. This means you will be able to choose how to react on the external stimuli (or even not to react at all and to stay “calm”). This again, means that you will get a total flexibility, which is highly important for successful and effective people functioning in this world. The world around you is never frozen; it is constantly changing, which means that you have to be adaptive as well, not being stuck in past automatisms of behavior, and with misleading mental material. This will be our primary goal in processing of the past.


That is why, lets move to the practical aspects of past clearing with MindBooster.


At this point we are going to work with past by the method you should already know - using “Base Processor” manually. You will be applying it to the prepared list of your episodes from the past. Work will consist of 2 parts: writing down a list and processing it. After processing 1/3 of your past manually with “Base Processor”, using  this method, you can start working with the automatic mechanisms (of course, continuing the manual work with past), which you will find on our website (link will be provided in the end of our course). Automatic mechanisms will advance your progress significantly, as they will be uncovering more and more “hidden” past episodes (those that you cannot recall at once). Here is the general procedure of past episodes list compiling:


  • Take a notebook, laptop, open up phone's notes and start witting down all the charged episodes from the past (usually people come up with 300-500). I, personally, at first, made a list of all people, with whom I’ve had intensive and rich communication. Secondly, I’ve written down all the “discomforting” episodes related to each person. This method might take some time, but it will make your list very detailed and you will not miss anything out of sight.

  • Don’t write down too much, just mark an episode; subconscious remembers those episodes very well, and with processing it will recall all the necessary details. One short sentence per episode will be enough.

  • It took me about 3-4 days to recall all the episodes. If you can’t remember some, or if your are stuck, don’t worry, relax and just write down whatever comes to your mind. Hidden episodes will open up eventually.


Another option would be to simply brainstorm past episodes,  writing down whatever comes to your mind, by performing a “slight” regress from the present to past. In general, you can do it your own way. Don’t worry if you cannot remember all the episodes at once, all of them will "surface" eventually. On average, a person has 300-700 “fat” influential episodes. In fact, there are many smaller episodes, and clearance of those will be performed by automatic mechanisms, so there is no point in picking them up manually. By the way, memories, which are related to early childhood, can also be processed by automatic mechanisms, there are no limits for subconscious as it is even able to reach our experiences, which we got in prenatal period.


One important thing about writing down episodes – don’t write “poems or prose”, one sentence per episode will be enough. What you have to do here, is just to mark it (pin it, if you may), so that subconscious knows what exactly you want it to process. There is no need to write down place, outside temperature, people involved and so on, because as I told before, subconscious knows all the details anyway and will consider them if they are necessary to process. The only thing you can do (for yourself) is to mark “the approximate age”, when the episode took place so you won’t get confused (just in case there are several similar experiences).


A perfect example of such past episode, along with the procedure of it’s processing would be:


  • “John made fun of my hair, bringing me to tears, when I was 11” - Base Processor (pronounce aloud or to yourself 5-10 times or until yawning)


In addition, if some episode is “overcharged”, painful and remembering it almost “bursts you into tears”, this episode should be divided into several aspects for a deeper and more effective processing. This way you will “fix all the damaged parts”. Aspects should reflect your personal vision of the situation, which means you should write all your negative reactions, emotions, experiences you got during that episode. Considering the previous example, it may look something like this:


  • John made fun of my hair, bringing me to tears, when I was 11

  • Everyone around was laughing at me

  • I hate John for that

  • He didn’t even apologize for that

  • And any other thoughts that come to your mind

  • And after each aspect pronounce aloud or to yourself 5-10 times or until yawning – Base Processor        


This method can be also applied to some other complicated episodes. What I mean here, is that normally, if you have processed something with “Base Processor” it usually stops bothering you. This means, when you recall an episode there should be no reaction, no emotional coloring (it should be a simple record). If you recall an episode and some detail in it still provokes emotional reaction, it means that this episode is too broad and “branched”. In many cases, such episodes generate negative beliefs and give birth to many other related things in our mind. For example, let’s say some guy broke up with the girl, because of another one. The first girl processes this episode, and after a while, she notices that she still hates the guy and this episode still brings up painful reactions. This means she has to divide an episode into aspects. It may look like:


  • The guy left me because of another girl

  • I hate him

  • Mother told me, that there are no good men left in the world

  • There is no true love in this world

  • I will never find my true love

  • I am too ugly

  • And any other aspects

  • And after each aspect she pronounces aloud or to her-self 5-10 times or until yawning – Base Processor


Anchor 2

Auto-Castaneda is another important mechanism, which you should install. Basically, it was created for people processing and I would strongly recommend you to use it for manual and “real-time” processing of people. When you will be working on past clearing with your lists, you should also process people found in those episodes, this way your past processing will be much deeper and effective. Here is a small annotation for it:


Throughout our lives, we meet incredible amount of people. Almost any person leaves “mark” in our lives, especially those, who are of any importance for us. Unconsciously, we copy behaviors, patterns, believes from them. Also, “teachings” we’ve got during our lives determine our path and destiny in many ways, especially lessons from our childhood. They are not necessarily all negative, but if you want to get a true flexibility and reach your full potential, these should be processed.


We’ve made totally automatic mechanism that processes people. Way of using it is the same as in the case of “Base Processor”, we take an individual, pronounce his/her name and simply launch this mechanism (to process some individual, for example Sam Adams, pronounce aloud or to yourself “Sam Adams – Auto-Castaneda” 5-10 times or until you start to yawn). This processor performs the following tasks:


Exchange of energies with you and the individual. It takes back energy, which was left in this individual and returns energy taken from him/her.


  • Perform forgiveness of an individual with the special mechanism.

  • Processes all the patterns of behavior, information and teachings we’ve obtained from that individual.

  • Processes all the episodes of any our verbal and non-verbal communication with him/her.

  • Processes all the emotions, feelings, memories, experiences related to this individual.

  • Virtually puts us on the place of that individual and performs all the points of such processing from his/her point of view.

  • Performs an automatic merge of us and an individual.


The mechanism is called “Auto-Castaneda” and it is integrated in each automatic tool in MindBooster technique. This incredible tool is waiting for your installation and use.


Anchor 3

Installing "Auto-Castaneda"

Instruction START


This is the instruction for you, OUR subconscious.


This instruction installs the procedure for the material processing “Auto-Castaneda”.


First, you will eliminate using the mechanism “Base Processor” any kind of resistance to the processing of the below described material, disbelief in possibility and results of such processing, as well as any kind of fear of such processing.


After that you will be performing all the actions described below:


  1. Find all the episodes, experiences from the past (both in this and in previous lives) and future (both in this and in future lives), related to the individual and process all those episodes using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  2. Find all the episodes, experiences from the past (both in this and in previous lives) and future (both in this and in future lives), where we anyhow communicated using the individual and process all those episodes using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  3. Exchange energies or any other mental material with the individual, which we received from him/her and which we implanted into him/her. Also, process any emotions, thoughts, sensations, tensions of the body, experiences, intentions, desires, goals which arise while executing this point using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  4. Perform processing of any teachings, patterns of behavior, any message and any data we received from that individual with mechanism “Base Processor”. Also, you will process all the ways those teachings, patterns of behavior, messages and data affected our life and our personality using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  5. You will perform a total forgiveness of an individual and us from the point of view of this individual with the help of the mechanism “It’s ok”, which you will download by connecting to the subconscious of George Art, the lead developer of the MindBooster technique.

  6. Eliminate any difference or charge between us and an individual using the mechanism “Merge” until our total interflow.

  7. Put us on the place of the individual and perform all the processing of the points above from his/her point of view. Also, you will process any kind of resistance to such procedure using the mechanism “Base Processor”.


This processing mechanism will be deactivated, and the instruction will expire after all the material has been processed with the mechanism "Auto-Castaneda". If necessary, we may temporary suspend processing, by pronouncing key phrase "Auto-Castaneda STOP". You will resume the work of the mechanism on the processing, after we pronounce or think of a special keyword “Auto-Castaneda”.


All the work related to the processing of this material will be done in 15 minutes or less of the earth time since the initial activation of this mechanism. Distribution and allocation of processing load on our body will be made as equal as possible, to avoid overloads. The start of the handling mechanism, as well as the stop (after pronouncing the above-defined key phrases), will be indicated by the means of yawning of our body.


OUR subconscious, we thank you for the performed work. You will always follow the instruction above and perform all the processing most effectively and safely. And we highly respect you and are very grateful to you for what you are doing and for being our devoted servant.


End of instructions.

Anchor 4


This work shouldn’t take too much time. However, it is highly important, because it lays the ground for all the following MindBooster practice. In addition to that, past clearing really boosts efficiency of actions and thinking. It happens due to the fact that we free our energy, which is stuck in those episodes and cannot be used for our own purposes. 


I strongly recommend you to take past clearing seriously and I advice to start working with other automatic mechanisms (besides provided in the part 3 of the course), only once you “clear” 1/3 of your past.


In the next/final part of the course I will teach you how to use several other important tools of our technique, which will make you totally “equipped” for individual MB practice. See you in the next part!

Anchor 5

Supplemental material

Below, you can find everything you need for your further practice, and more, in case you've miss something out.


Each item has detailed descriprion, so you won't get lost.

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