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About MB technique:

The real way of mental purification



About concept

MINDBOOSTER - is a technique that definitely stands out from all modern flows and tendencies in personal growth/development. It differs in both – in its means and in its goals. While getting acquainted with the technique you will NOT find any “new and fancy” visualizations, affirmations, relaxations, self-hypnosis or anything like that.

No affirmations, visualizations (roughly 90% of all techniques out there) MindBooster technique

In fact, most of the work is delegated to the subconscious (unconscious) mind. In our technique, we use mechanisms – programs/scripts/instructions, which communicate our aims and the terms (timeframe) to the subconscious. The technique is understandable and logical; there is no abstractionpractical application only.


About author

Primary developer and the author of MINDBOOSTER technique is George Art. 


“I have practiced all kinds of personal growth techniques for 9 years. However, I was brave, critical and self-critical enough to admit the fact that almost nothing has actually changed in a “long run”. All the time I have spent on visualizations, affirmations, positive thinking and seminars on personal growth was no more, than a process of stuffing brains with portions of useless theory and knowledge, building new layers of useless mental material. Therefore, I stopped pretending…

I do not include any information on my diplomas, "awards and winnings" and other common worthless attributes, just to feed your dogmas of a "trustworthy" person imposed by society; these just don't matter. The thing is the technique does not have to be validated or supported by erudition of its author. The freedom from all conventions and restrictions made possible, for us to reach out for the deepest depths of human mind and human nature. That is why the ones, who want to change their life, will simply take the tool and use it. Others will be building their opinions on some fancy attributes (social achievements), instead of their own personal experience. 


From my side, I'm just like you, but I am totally free from all limitations and tyranny of EGO.” - G. A.







About roots

All studies and practices led to one understanding – we need to look for the key within


We usually state that a human being is a powerful creature with a huge natural potential; however, in fact, in most cases, we make ourselves miserable. By not taking responsibility for our feelings and emotions, we tend to dive deeper down into negativity, egoism, stupidity (both moral and logical) with and without help of people around us. We are, basically, drowning by chaotically moving, thus stating that life is unfair, that everything is wrong, “why me?” and so on, instead of taking control over your drift towards the bottom.

Personal growth | Persoanl development | Natural abilities | MindBooster

We choose our emotions, reactions, but tend to let those lead us. Thirsting for approval, social status, temporary pleasures is beating the air.


Before creating MINDBOOSTER technique, its author came a long way of studying and practicing all kinds of different personal growth techniques and methods. Some things worked, some were totally useless; however, this experience gave the author a direction on where to focus his research. This research brought him an idea that the key to a different order of life lies within us. In other words, in order to become free, healthy, happy, self-confident, we need to clear our mind from material that prevents it. Even though at this point the goal seemed to be more or less definite and understandable, another question arose – How to make the process of mind clearing simple, fast and efficient?

The answer was found in the essential part of us that we usually call subconscious mind. The idea, which seemed to be crazy at first, turned out to be the real breakthrough. It allowed us to put least efforts and to get fantastic and deep results within shortest timeframe, which were staying with us [author and his research group – Ed.] permanently.


By improving and practicing MINDBOOSTER we noticed, that simple elimination of “borders”, fears, doubts, limiting beliefs is not full potential of such approach. By working with MB we managed to get to the deepest personal universe and fundamental laws of life, thus performing changes from there. It was the point, when we decided to systematize accumulated knowledge and introduce MINDBOOSTER technique to the public.


About core

MINDBOOSTER technique has one primary goal – mind clearing. Eliminating mental material, in return, affects every area of life – relationships, physical and mental health, recreation, wellbeing, self-concept etc. In reality the truth is – huge amounts of mental material overload mind, thus affecting us every second everyday.


However, sorting mental material or trying to replace it with “positive” affirmations, for example, rarely helps. Mental material is dynamic, but inert in its structure, which means, when we try to shift it or change it in some desirable way ["reprogram" our mind – Ed.], it always finds a way to return to usual and more comfortable state [comfort zone – Ed.]

Alas, this also applies to a very specific variety of mental material - illusionary goals and desires.

In most cases, these are fake and are imposed on us by the society. And this is a problem of almost all modern flows and tendencies in personal growth – all of those try to make you someone else, than you are by nature, most of them are introducing you to the new and “simple” ways to reach materialistic goals, but rarely these provide an instrument, which will allow you to dive into your being.  For some, maybe, it is quite comfortable and even logical, we are not going to argue with anyone here; our goal is to show you the key difference of MB path.

All that serves only one purpose – to control us, our life, mind, body, feelings, everything. At this point, it is unnecessary to explain why and how exactly this happens [we provide this kind information only in closed sections of MB technique – Ed.] For now, we briefly showed you the real state of things.


Clearing mind makes possible to break this order

by eliminating all those limitations, problems, negativity, past traumatic episodes and etc. with the help of MB mechanisms.

As you have already understood – mind, mental material and ego will resist change, but in the case of MINDBOOSTER technique an interesting trick is used. Your subconscious mind acts as a “secret agent”, which performs all changes from the inside, on another deeper level, remaining unnoticed by your ego. Mechanisms (primary operational tools, scripts/instructions, which you will read to perform the changes in desired area of life) are simply technical descriptions of “missions” for the “secret agent”.


That is why, working with MB you get real, tangible and fast changes, even without direct conscious participation. Roughly speaking, it looks like – when you read and launch a mechanism in the evening, you will find yourself in a new, effective and better state in the morning of the next day.



About options

If you are interested in trying out MINDBOOSTER technique, you will have to start from the basics, before moving to powerful and complex instruments.

For that purpose we prepared two free options - Book (manual) and 5-part course. These will help you to learn how to use MINDBOOSTER technique and different mechanisms in your daily life.

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