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dualities are misleading, conflicting thoughts, views, beliefs, values, attitudes, oppinions

List of dualities


For processing with "Merge" mechanism


Working on dualities will help you to overcome and prevent any cognitive dissonance in conflicting thoughts, views, beliefs, values, attitudes, opinions. In addition, you will get interesting and valuable insights.


Processing dualities with “Merge” is identical to the processing emotions with “Base Processor”:


  • Pick “duality” from the list

  • Pronounce it with the key word “Merge”, which activates the processing (pronounce the whole phrase 5-10 times, or until you start yawning).

  • Example: absolute – relative – “Merge” (5-10 times or until yawning).

  • Move on to the next duality and repeat the procedure.


Don’t worry about the fact of yawning! If it doesn’t come just move on to the next one after 5-10 repetitions!


For the first two pages, try to “feel” each duality, to “tune connection between you and your subconscious”. It will speed up advancement.


Work with 25-75 dualities a day to avoid overloads. Good luck! 

Anchor 1


Ability - inability

Abnormal - normal

Absolute - relative

Abstract - concrete

Acceptable - unacceptable

Acceptance - rejection

Accept others’ points of view – reject others’ points of view

Active - passive

Activity - passivity

Actual - irrelevant

Adequate – inadequate

Agree - disagree

All - nothing

Altruism - egoism

Always - never

Analysis - synthesis

Anxiety - calm

Anxiety - calm

Anxiety - peace

Apathy - enthusiasm

Appearance - disappearance

Approval - denial

Attack - counterattack

Attack – defend

Attack – give up

Attack - surrender

Attraction - repulsion

Attraction to people - rejection from people

Availability - inaccessibility

Awareness of the essence – seeing surface only


Beauty – ugliness
Beggar – wealthy
Believe that everything will work out - believe that nothing will work out
Better - worse
Big - Small
Bless - curse
Bliss - flour
Bliss - suffer
Bliss - suffering
Bliss - torment
Body - mind
Body - spirit
Boredom - interest
Brilliant - dim

Anchor 2


Cause - effect
Certainty - uncertainty
Change - force
Chaos - order
Charisma - grayness
Cheerful - angry
Cheerful - tired
Cheerfulness - gloom
City - village
Clean - dirty
Close – far
Close - open
Comedy - tragedy
Communication - lack of communication
Completeness - emptiness
Conclusion - consequence
Condensation - dissolution
Confidence - uncertainty
Confidence in the abundance of the universe – fear of scarcity of the universe
Confirmation - rebuttal
Consciousness - instincts
Consciousness - materiality
Consciousness - unconsciousness
Constancy - change
Constancy - transience
Constant - fleeting
Contempt - respect
Control - freedom
Creation - destruction
Cruel – kind
Cruel - kindness
Currently – eternity

Anchor 3
Anchor 4


Danger - safety
Dangerous world - the world is safe
Dark - light
Day - night
Decent - indecent
Dependence - independence
Depth - surface
Desire for love - desire to give love
Desire to be alone - desire to be accompanied
Need for approval - need to approve
Desire to be loved - desire to love
Desire to be with people - unwillingness to be with people
Desire to control - desire to let go of control
Desire to control others - desire to be controlled by others
Desire to live - a death wish
Desire to move - reluctance to move
Desire to work - unwillingness to work
Determination to do something - leaving for later
Difference - identification
Difference - identity
Dissatisfaction - satisfaction
Distrust in people - trust in people
Divine - material
Domination - submission
Dream - reality
Dynamics - statics

Anchor 5


Earn money – spend money
Earth – Space
Earth – Sun
Earthly - unearthly
Ease – severity
Education - knowledge
Effort - rest
Emotion - the lack of emotion
Emotionality - Discretion
Emotions - emptiness
Emotions - mind
Emptiness - whole world
Energetic - inert
Enlightenment - earthiness
Enthusiasm - apathy
Entry into the experience - experience avoidance
Eternity - time
Everyone - nobody
Everything depends on me - nothing depends on me
Evil world - world of good
Existence - creation
Existence - nonexistence
Extension - compression
External world – internal world
Extrovert - introvert

Anchor 6


Failure - good luck
Faith - disbelief
Faith – knowledge
Fake – real
Fake – genuine 
Fall asleep – wake up
Far – close
Fast - slow
Fear - courage
Fear - peace
Fire - water
Flat - cool
Flavored - fetid
Folding - unfolding
Fool – smart person
Force - apathy
Force - impotence
Forever - temporarily
Forget - remember
Form - formlessness
Formation - disappearance
Fornication - chastity
Forward - backward
Fragility - eternity
Freedom - depression
Freedom - no freedom
Freedom - responsibility
Freedom - slavery
Freedom - subordination
Fresh - Slack
Front - back
Full - empty
Fundamental - shakiness
Future - past


Generous - dishonest
Generous - stingy
Genius - frenzy
Getting close to a goal – distancing from a goal
Give - receive
Give - take
God - devil
Good - bad
Good - evil
Goodwill - hostility
Greatness - nonentity

Anchor 7


Happiness - sadness
Happiness - sorrow
Harmony - coercion
Having a higher purpose - live without any purpose
Have the results – don't have any results
Have time - no time
Have to – don’t have to
Having thoughts - no thoughts
Health - disease
Health - illness
Health - sickness
Healthy - painful
Healthy - sickly
Healthy - unhealthy
Heavy – light
Hell - heaven
Here - now
Here - there
High - low
Honest man - liar
Hopelessness - hope
Horizontal - vertical
Hot – cold
Human incarnation - afterlife
Hunger - satiety

Anchor 8


I have nothing - I own something

I want to communicate with people - do not want to communicate with people

Ignorant people - wise people

Illusion - reality

I'm bad - I'm good

Indifference - involvement

Infinitesimal - infinite

Initiative - supine

Inside - outside

Interest - boredom

Interest - indifference

Intuition - consciousness

Irritation - adoption

Anchor 9
Anchor 10


Joy - sadness


Know - do not know

Know everything - know nothing

Knowing your purpose - not knowing what to do in life

Knowledge - action

Knowledge - ignorance

Anchor 11
Anchor 12


Lack of empathy - empathy

Lack of self-confidence - ultimate confidence

Laziness - desire to act

Left - right

Left brain - right brain

Life - death

Light - darkness

Like arguing - unwillingness to argue

Limitations - infinity

Limited consciousness - boundless consciousness

Literacy - illiteracy

Localization – nowhere

Lock – unlock

Logic – creativity

Logic - emotions

Logical thinking - creative thinking

Long - short

Love - aggressiveness

Love - fear

Love - freedom

Love - hate

Love - loneliness

Love - pain

Love - power / authority

Love - refusal

Love for people – hate for people

Luck - bad luck

Anchor 13


Male - female
Man and woman
Material - emptiness
Material - spiritual
Material world - spiritual world
Material world - subtle world
Materialism - idealism
Matter – emptiness
Matter - Energy
Me – angels
Me – animals
Me - Buddha
Me – demons
Me – Devil
Me – Earth
Me – God
Me - infinity
Me – other people
Me – Sun
Me - whole world
Merciful - ruthless
Mind - body
Mind - emotion
Mind - instincts
Mine – belongs to someone
Minus - plus
Moment - eternity
Movement - peace
Movement - standing still
Movement - stillness
Move – stop
Must - do not want to do
My desires - desires of others
My father - my mother
Mysticism - philistinism

Anchor 14


Nature - civilization
Neat - sleazy
Need to work out – screw workout
Negative - positive
Negative emotions - positive emotions
Night force - force of the day
Nobility - baseness
Nobility - meanness
Nobility - meanness
Nobility - meanness
Noble - basely
Noble - ignoble
Noble - ignoble
Noble - low
Noble - Low
Noble - Sneaky
Noise / sound - silence
Now - later


Observer - observed

Obvious world - world of non-obvious

Old - young

Optimism - pessimism

Ordinary people - enlightened people

Others are right - I'm right

Own everything – own nothing

Anchor 15


Pale - blush

Panic - calm

Parish - care

Part - whole

Partiality - integrity

Passion - spirituality

Past - future

Path - goal

Peace – aggression

Peace - fear

Peace - power

Peace- riots

People - Animals

Peppy - tired

Perfection - imperfection

Point - a three-dimensional object

Point - space

Poor - wealthy

Positive - negative

Positive element - negative element

Positive polarity - negative polarity

Possible - impossible

Poverty - wealth

Power - helplessness

Present - future

Present - past

MB gives results – MB doesn't give results

Progress - degradation

Promotion - retreat

Proximity - loneliness

Prudent - unreasonable

Punishment – reward

Anchor 16
Anchor 17


Quiet - loud

Anchor 18


Reasonable - mad

Reasonable - thoughtless

Relaxation - stress

Remember - do not remember

Repetition - variety

Resistance - fragility

Resolution - ban

Responsibility - irresponsibility

Rhythmic - spasmodic

Right - on a curve

Right - wrong

Rigidity - softness

Rise - fall

Rudeness - caress

Anchor 19


Sadness - joy

Saint - sinner

Salted - unsalted

Sane - thoughtless

Satisfaction – dissatisfaction

Science - religion

Security - insecurity

Sell - buy

Sensuality - Indifference

Seriousness – lightheadedness

Set - uniqueness

Shame of failure - the enthusiasm of victory

Shout - silence

Sky - earth

Small - large

Something - nothing

Something must be done - no need to do anything

Stability - shock

Stagnation - movement

Stand – surrender

Standing - lying

Start - end

Start - stop

Stay – go away

Strength – weakness

Strong character – weak character

Structured - unstructured

Stupid - enlightened

Subject - object

Sublime - low

Subtle humor - vulgar humor

Success - defeat

Success - Disappointing

Successful - unsuccessful

Sun - moon

Sun – Universe

Survive - die

Survive - surrender

Sweet - savory

Symmetric - asymmetric

Sympathy - antipathy

Sympathy - propitiation


Take - give

Take responsibility – run from responsibility

Talent - mediocrity

Tangible - intangible

Teacher - student

Thanks - ingratitude

The world is unfair - the world is just

Theory – practice

This world - another world

Thrifty - wasteful

To be - not to be

To be able to choose - have no choice

To be always aware – to be never aware

To be flexible - to be fixated

To be united with the roots - to be separated from the roots

To see - to understand

To throw - to raise

Tolerance - intolerance

Tragedy - Comedy

True - false

True memory - memory illusory

Truth - hallucinations

Anchor 20


Uncertainty - confidence

Uncertainty about the future - confidence in the future

Understanding - misunderstanding

Unity - duality

Unity - separation

Unity with the rest - insulation

Unpleasant - pleasant

Unwillingness to change - the desire to change

Unwillingness to live - a thirst for life

Unwillingness to live - enjoying life

Up – down

Anchor 21


Anchor 22

Vigorously - tiredly

Virtual world - real world

Visibility - invisibility

Vulnerability - Invincibility


Anchor 23

War – Peace

Wealth - poverty

Weekdays - holiday

Weightiness - weightlessness

Wet - dry

White - black

Win – Loss

Winner – looser

Wise – fool

Wise - stupid

Witty person - stupid people

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