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Throughout our lives, we meet incredible amount of people. Almost every person leaves “mark” in our lives, especially those, who are of any importance for us. Unconsciously, we copy behaviors, patterns, beliefs from them. Also, “teachings” we’ve got during our lives determine our path and destiny in many ways, especially lessons from our childhood. They are not necessarily all negative, but if you want to get a true flexibility and reach your full potential, these should be processed.


We’ve made totally automatic mechanism that processes people. The method of using it is the same as in the case of “Base Processor”, we take an individual, pronounce his/her name and simply launch this mechanism (to process some individual, for example: Sam Adams, pronounce aloud or to yourself “Sam Adams – Auto-Castaneda” 5-10 times or until you start to yawn).


This processor performs the following tasks:


  • Exchange of energies with you and the individual. It takes back energy, which was left in this individual and returns energy taken from him/her.

  • Performs forgiveness of an individual with the special mechanism.

  • Processes all the patterns of behavior, information and teachings we’ve obtained from that individual.

  • Processes all the episodes of any our verbal and non-verbal communication with him/her.

  • Processes all the emotions, feelings, memories, experiences related to this individual.

  • Virtually puts us on the place of that individual and performs all the points of such processing from his/her point of view.

  • Performs an automatic merge of us and an individual.

Instruction START


This is the instruction for you, OUR subconscious.


This instruction installs the procedure for the material processing “Auto-Castaneda”.


First, you will eliminate using the mechanism “Base Processor” any kind of resistance to the processing of the below described material, disbelief in possibility and results of such processing, as well as any kind of fear of such processing.


After that you will be performing all the actions described below:


  1. Find all the episodes, experiences from the past (both in this and in previous lives) and future (both in this and in future lives), related to the individual and process all those episodes using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  2. Find all the episodes, experiences from the past (both in this and in previous lives) and future (both in this and in future lives), where we anyhow communicated using the individual and process all those episodes using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  3. Exchange energies or any other mental material with the individual, which we received from him/her and which we implanted into him/her. Also, process any emotions, thoughts, sensations, tensions of the body, experiences, intentions, desires, goals which arise while executing this point using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  4. Perform processing of any teachings, patterns of behavior, any message and any data we received from that individual with mechanism “Base Processor”. Also, you will process all the ways those teachings, patterns of behavior, messages and data affected our life and our personality using the mechanism “Base Processor”.

  5. You will perform a total forgiveness of an individual and us from the point of view of this individual with the help of the mechanism “It’s ok”, which you will download by connecting to the subconscious of George Art, the lead developer of the MindBooster technique.

  6. Eliminate any difference or charge between us and an individual using the mechanism “Merge” until our total interflow.

  7. Put us on the place of the individual and perform all the processing of the points above from his/her point of view. Also, you will process any kind of resistance to such procedure using the mechanism “Base Processor”.


This processing mechanism will be deactivated, and the instruction will expire after all the material has been processed with the mechanism "Auto-Castaneda". If necessary, we may temporary suspend processing, by pronouncing key phrase "Auto-Castaneda STOP". You will resume the work of the mechanism on the processing, after we pronounce or think of a special keyword “Auto-Castaneda”.


All the work related to the processing of this material will be done in 15 minutes or less of the earth time since the initial activation of this mechanism. Distribution and allocation of processing load on our body will be made as equal as possible, to avoid overloads. The start of the handling mechanism, as well as the stop (after pronouncing the above-defined key phrases), will be indicated by the means of yawning of our body.


OUR subconscious, we thank you for the performed work. You will always follow the instruction above and perform all the processing most effectively and safely. And we highly respect you and are very grateful to you for what you are doing and for being our devoted servant.


End of instructions.

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