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Nature of anxiety. Anxiety disorder.

What is an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety disorder or simply anxiety is a natural mental disorder caused by anxiety (as emotion) or fear, or both combined. In order to leave misleading concepts, anxiety disorders are partly genetic, which means every person is partially responsible for developing this disorder. Anxiety disorder is really vague topic – from being worried about meeting new people to being pessimistic about your future, future of you family etc. However let’s try to go step by step answering most common questions. How do I classify or distinguish anxiety disorders?

1. Generalized – generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by constant worry about an object or situation.

2. Phobias – this disorder is based on fear and anxiety that is triggered by specific stimulus or situation and can be literally anything – fear of heights, animals, water, enclosed spaces etc.

3. Panic disorder (panic attacks) – is based on sudden attacks of apprehension and terror, which rises in ten minutes and can last for several hours.

4. Agoraphobia (situational insecurity) – mostly caused by perceived insecure environment (place or situation) and that it is hard to reach for help or escape it.

5. Social anxiety disorder – any social interaction can cause this disorder and it is mostly related to public humiliation and embarrassment (say hello to public speaking).

6. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – traumatic experience that can be both, short term extreme situation (e.g. bullying, combat, child abuse) or long-lasting exposure to stressor (war, domestic violence)

7. Separation anxiety (separation from person or place) – excessive anxiety caused by separation from perceived “safe” place (home) or person (parents)


8. Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) – an anxiety disorder caused by obsessions or compulsions, where obsessions are persistent, intrusive and distressing thoughts or images and compulsions are impulses to repeatedly perform certain acts or rituals and preserving such order.

What are the causes of anxiety disorders?

Even though each specific anxiety disorder has its own causes (triggers) described above, we can distinguish general causes (reasons) of both development and intensifications of anxiety disorders.

Drugs (neurotoxins) – emotional “roller-coaster”/swings is not healthy and natural. Drugs consumption (including alcohol, caffeine and benzodiazepine/antidepressants). Both sustained and moderate use of drugs can cause anxiety, to be more specific prolonged abstinence is the real cause of anxiety.

Medical conditions – mostly is related to hormonal imbalance/disorders, problems with endocrine system.

Stress – Life stresses (e.g. financial, social, health related) can cause anxiety.

Genetics – generalized anxiety disorder is common in families and children are receivers of anxiety disorders from their parents (caregivers) who have anxiety disorders of their own. Thus, it is more of a “nurture” question, than “nature”.

Persistence of anxiety (emotions) – the absence of fears is dangerous, that is why through time people develop hormonal responses to threats and dangers, thus self-preserving mechanism works. However anxiety should be preserved on a low level.

Evolutionary mismatch – individuals are more exposed to information and different environments that don’t directly affect individuals, like news (e.g. on car accidents) even though individual never experienced it, but is anxious about it. In addition, greater interaction with strangers and less contact with caregivers/parents are the reasons of anxiety disorders.

What are the indicators of anxiety disorder?

Bodily (physical)

Sweating Disturbed breathing General weakness Dizziness Insomnia Digestion problems Frequent urination Cold hands and/or feet Muscle tension in the neck/shoulders Dry mouth Headaches Palpitations


Emotional (Mental)

Fatigue Inability to relax Irritability Negativity Nervousness Inability/difficulty to concentrate Sudden, frequent or regular anxiety or restlessness Apprehension Fearfulness Unfounded disturbing thoughts Unconscious avoidance of different situations that can potentially cause anxiety

What the heck? Did they list just about everything?

P.S. Manage or get rid of anxiety

And there you have it. Anxiety – the most widespread and vague disorder, that seems to have no real solid solution or cure.

However, it is logical to understand that anxiety is the result of accumulated mental material (e.g. environmental stresses, strong emotional memories) through life. The worst part of it is that you might not even realize that it burns you from the inside out and that you need to take out that garbage at last. One of the main aspects that is true to every type of anxiety disorder is that there is always “something” and “why” that’s causing and developing anxiety. This should be the focus, when dealing with anxiety. By working on and eliminating all the “whys” and the roots of every single manifestation of anxiety, one can set free from its influence and breathe freely.

Check out more articles on anxiety here. Learn how to deal with anxiety here.

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