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Online course


Anchor 1

In this part of the course we are going to look at a very important practical aspect of our technique. This is the feature, which extremely influences our perception and is called duality of mind.


In fact, when we perceive an external information it is automatically sorted by dozens of dualities, such as “good-bad”, “wrong-right”, pleasant-unpleasant” and so on (although information goes through many other filters, this one plays a huge role). When we perceive something, information comes through a large amount of dualities, so, it is highly distorted in the output. Analytical skills and mental capacity suffer because of that trait. With dualities we cannot perceive the world as a whole; instead we see it through the prism of all those "labels" (by the way, truly enlightened people have no dualities). You see, there is no such thing as dualities in nature. For example, let’s take day and night, which seems to be a perfect example of the opposites/dualities, but in fact it is just a part of one process – 24-hour day. However, our perception influenced by the external makes us think of a day and a night as of the opposites, as duality. Our mind creates rigid illusionary barriers between those concepts using our energy and mental resources that we are unable to use for our own purposes. In this technique, we deal with dualities as well, and, in fact, the process of elimination of charge between opposites (merging) is very simple.


Dualities are in fact the opposite of nature. Take “beginning”, for instance, the duality is an “end” (part of my research group exclaimed, when I asked them) – why do we think of “everything that has a beginning has an end” then? Duality is a totally false mind concept. Dualities, in fact, exist because of a charge, which lies between any two opposite concepts. So, when you eliminate this charge, two concepts get attached to each other and merge automatically. Like magnetic poles, which get attracted to each other naturally. A charge in our case is some barrier that holds them at a distance, like a foreign matter between two poles of a magnet, giving them no chance to get attached.


Merging dualities is an interesting process, which brings a lot of insights and practical results. It also leads to natural harmony, inner peace and sharper multifaceted perception. Note that eliminating dualities will not make your logical and moral reasoning suffer. You are not going to become e.g. “maniac or sociopath=)” who can kill or unreasonably hate people. Your ability for logical and moral reasoning will not suffer at all.


Some techniques also include the work on dualities, however, in most cases they require time and concentration. In MindBooster we are going to use handler “Merge”, which performs elimination of dualities in an automatic way.



Handler “Merge”

Anchor 2

Handler “Merge” makes it possible to set for processing as many dualities as we want. Using it we do not need to concentrate or get “isolated”, we can do it whenever we want, while giving more and more dualities to process for our subconscious. The method of use is the same as with “Base Processor”, the trigger word “Merge” pronounced with a pair of dualities launches the process of charge elimination, which in fact consists from the following operations:


  • It evaluates all the characteristics of each duality opposites and finds a peak episode in the past, when those dualities were separated at their maximum.

  • When an episode is found subconscious mind performs an elimination of charge, which separates those dualities.

  • It eliminates all resistance and fear in us for elimination of charge between those dualities.

  • It locates all factors, which create or contribute to the creation of the charge, which separates dualities.

  • It locates the resistance of other creatures, people and beings, who could be against of such merging. Of course, subconscious mind will only perform processing of our illusionary ideas of such resistances. However, this is an important step, because, people are always bounded with illusionary expectations of others.

  • And finally it processes our expectations of the results of such dualities merging.


In fact, interesting thing is that charge can be found not only between a pair of “common dualities” as good-evil. Any concepts or expressions of internal and external world can be processed as dualities. By that I mean, concepts, which our mind perceives as opposite or distant. For example, a mind duality could also be: “I am unworthy of success – I am a lucky and a successful person”. This type of duality can also be processed with the help of “Merge” handler. You will see, that you are free to choose any of those states, and you are not stuck with either one or another.


Anchor 3

Installing “Merge”

Instruction START


This is the instruction for you, OUR subconscious.


This instruction installs the procedure for the material processing “Merge”.


1. You will connect to the subconscious of George Art and download the mechanism “Merge.”

2. When we draw our attention to dualities that we want to process with this mechanism, we will pronounce aloud or think of a special keyword “Merge” and you will perform fully autonomous and automatic procedure of processing, in a background mode of this pair of dualities, until the total neutralization, by using the mechanism “Merge”, is performed.


This processing mechanism will be deactivated, and the instruction will expire after all the material available to us has been processed with the mechanism "Merge". If necessary, we may temporary suspend processing, by pronouncing key phrase "Merge STOP". You will resume the work of the mechanism on the processing, after we pronounce or think of a special keyword “Merge”.


All the work related to the processing of this material will be done in 3 days or less of the earth time since the initial activation of this mechanism. Distribution and allocation of processing load on our body will be made as equal as possible, to avoid overloads. The start of the handling mechanism, as well as the stop (after pronouncing the above-defined key phrases), will be indicated by the means of yawning of our body.

OUR subconscious, we thank you for the performed work. You will always follow the instruction above and perform all the processing most effectively and safely. And we highly respect you and are very grateful to you for what you are doing and for being our devoted servant.


End of instructions.


Merging dualities

Anchor 4

For your practice with “Merge” processor we prepared an extensive list of dualities (link can be found in the end of this part, or in Additional material section on "Mechanisms" page).


Working with dualities is the same as processing emotions with “Base Processor”: 


  • Pick the first duality from the list

  • Pronounce it with key word “Merge” which activates the processing (pronounce the whole phrase 5-10 times, or until you start yawning).

  • Example: absolute – relative – “Merge” (5-10 times or until yawning).

  • Go to the next duality and repeat the procedure.

  • Don’t worry about the fact of yawning!!! If it doesn’t come just move on to the next one after 5-10 repetitions!!!

  • For the first two pages, it would be best to try to “feel” each duality, to “tune a connection between you and your subconscious mind”. It will speed up advancement.


Process 25-70 dualities per day to avoid overloads. You can define your own rhythm of work. For some merging 100 dualities a day is fine and for others 20 will be more than enough. So, there are no rigid rules.


In addition to this work, you can play with “Merge” processor, merging yourself with whatever comes to your mind, or taking any concepts that have a charge between them. For example, if you want to understand someone better, or to build a better communication, you can do the following: “Me-that person – Merge”. By the way, those experiments lead to interesting results (if something is disgusting to you, you can “merge” with this object, and it will not bother you that much anymore). In addition, after a while, merging yourself with whatever in the world, you might start feeling that you and the world around are the one. This will give you a more calm and safe state of mind. Examples:


  • Me - that guy – Merge

  • Me – trash-talk – Merge

  • Me – slow internet – Merge

  • Great results of processing dualities – me – merge =)


Example of use

Anchor 5

Now, let me show you how you could use “Merge” and “Base Processor” in your daily life situations.


Let’s say, you are going to speak in public with an important report, you are very nervous. Luckily you remembered, that you have several wonderful MindBooster tools (“Merge” and “Base Processor”) at your disposal, and you decided to use them. Let’s see, how you could use them in such situation.


First of all, you take a decision to process all the factors, which make you nervous, like:


  • I am afraid to speak in public – Base Processor (1-10 times aloud or to yourself)

  • No one will take me and my speech seriously – Base Processor (1-10 times aloud or to yourself)

  • I am a bad public speaker  - Base Processor (1-10 times aloud or to yourself)

  • This report is crucially important for my career, I am afraid to screw it up – Base Processor (1-10 times aloud or to yourself)

  • And any other aspects you could think of


After that you could perform some actions with “Merge” mechanism, which could also ease the situation and help to maintain self-control:


  • Me – audience – Merge (1-10 times aloud or to yourself)

  • Me – great public speaking skills - Merge (1-10 times aloud or to yourself)

  • Me - self-confidence - Merge (1-10 times aloud or to yourself)

  • And any other things to merge with you could think of


Integration of personality

Anchor 6

In fact, “Merge” handler plays another important role in our technique. Except for manual use, it is recalled in each automatic mechanism (you will notice that, when you will start using them) in order to perform an integration of personality (brings together all separated parts of our personality).


Personality of an average human being is highly fragmented and includes huge amount of traits, sometimes even mutually exclusive. Our behavior encompasses infinite amount of automatic models that we collect throughout our life by copying others, reading “clever” books that teach us how to live and what to do, watching movies about heroes and villains, trying on ourselves their images. Vivid demonstration could be the fact that an average human being behaves differently with different people, without consciously realizing it. For example, in many cultures rich and powerful people get respect and even worship, while poor people get nothing, but contempt. I am not pointing at anyone here. However, in many cases this is an ugly truth. Today it is fine to change behavior according to the context of the situation. You could notice that many people have different models of behavior and communication with their parents, friends, bosses etc. It would be normal, if that behavior was changed consciously, controllably, and there was a clear reason for that. This is called control. It is absent in most people, and they are just guided by automatic behaviors, fears, all kinds of limiting beliefs and so on.


That is why MindBooster and handler “Merge” help us to reach another important goal: to bring back natural wholeness, get rid of fragmentation and disintegration of personality. That is why we included “Merge” into each automatic tool in our technique, which performs the consolidation, by merging our scattered personality fragments. As a result, we noticed that inner core started to grow, in return making our behavior and automatisms more controllable. Bringing back integration - brought back the energy, previously wasted for sustaining all the links of personality fragments. There are many other interesting rewards of personality integration and I could talk about them for decades. Let me leave these future discoveries for you to make.



Anchor 7

In general, working with “Merge” handler is really useful and interesting. When I started my practice, I was merging myself with everything I could see during the day. After some time I obtained a constant feeling of unity with the world. I saw that the world in fact is a safe and comfortable place. I believe, many people, who practice traditional approaches strive for that state for years. Here we can get it in several days-weeks using a simple and interesting practice.


That is why I wish you good luck in your practice, there are many interesting things, waiting for you ahead. See you in the next part of the course!

Anchor 8

Supplemental material

Below, you can find everything you need for your further practice, and more, in case you've miss something out.


Each item has detailed descriprion, so you won't get lost.

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