Initial stage – Final words
Initial stage – Final words
I hope by now you’ve already gotten the plan of your independent work for the first stage. Therefore, you will have to (of course, if you made the decision to practice MindBooster):
Process all the psychological states/emotions from the list, including add-ons
Process all the dualities from the list
Launch automatic mechanism “Solvent”
Talking about the work “norms”, you should decide on your own how many psychological states/emotions and dualities from lists to set for processing per day. Your body will tell you, when it is enough. For some processing 4 clusters and 100 dualities per day will be fine, for others 10 units in both lists will be more than enough. So, figure out what is your “capability”.
I would also strongly recommend using “Merge” handler in your daily activity. Merging yourself with different “objects” will be beneficial for your perception of the world. In addition, merging with other people will help you to build healthier connections and relationships, and get better understanding of others. In general, merging is a very interesting activity and does not require any complex actions. If done continuously, you will get stronger feeling of unity with the world.
You can also process your daily issues with “Base Processor”, but I would not recommend you to dwell on it too much at this point. Manual processing is good and beneficial; but very soon, you will be introduced to the tools, which are far more effective and powerful for that goals.
Also, there are no rigid terms for the first stage of work and my only advice is – work in a rhythm comfortable for you. Someone could be done with the first stage in a month, another in one-two weeks.
I do not know what exactly you will get from the first stage of practice; to be specific - I don’t know the scale of change. Human beings are different and the amount of mental material in each mind is also different. Most probably, you will get a lighter, more harmonized and controllable state of mind. Some state, that it is much better, than a year of meditations. I, personally, don’t remember (to be correct), it was a long time ago and now it is blurred with further practice and I am not starting everything from scratch. Mechanisms are now more refined and tuned, so figure it out.
What about special sensations, which arise during processing at the first stage? – You could have asked me. - I don’t think that you will experience any negative feelings and recoils during this work. However, some may get an effect of a slightly “loaded brain”. Some may have mood swings. In general, there is no need to concentrate on those feelings; they don’t have any practical value.
So, when you will be done with the first stage, you can move further. For now, I wish you good luck in your practice!
Outline for Stage 2
Stage 2 includes several important directions: total past processing, work with automatic mechanisms and work with personal mental material. No matter how terrifying total past processing sounds; it is performed relatively fast and without any “Herculean” efforts. However, it will be a real and significant step forward in your personal development and mind clearance.
Along with past processing, you will be introduced to other important practical aspects and you will learn how to use automatized tools of the technique. In fact, each tool of the technique “touches” our past at some point, and with advancing through practice you will see, that each and every “corner” of your past is processed and no single “skeleton in the closet” is left. However, some initial manual work with past is needed.
I will repeat: your “useful past experiences”, “skills” or “mistakes” will not be forgotten, and you will not become a naive child. Negative past episodes will simply stop influencing you by “misleading” your decision-making, which means your behavior will not be that automatic, dictated by those “mistakes” or “traumas”. You will see things as they are, with no “prejudices and projections”. After processing past won’t carry pain, regrets or anything like that anymore, it is going to become a record, which is deprived of emotional coloring.
So, let’s proceed to the aspects of this important and significant step.