Sometimes it is very hard to change something in our lives, even if we want it with all the fibers of our beings. All that is due the presence of huge amounts of mental material all of us have, like fears, limiting beliefs and so on. Let’s, at least, address this issue by using this mechanism.
Instruction START
This is the instruction for you, OUR subconscious.
This instruction installs the procedure for the material processing “Changes”. From the moment of activation of the procedure described in this instruction after pronouncing, aloud or to OURselves, a special phrase “Changes Start” you will start carrying out a fully autonomous and automatic processing by the following algorithm:
You will eliminate by using the mechanism "Base Processor" any kind of resistance to the processing of the material described below, any disbelief in the possibility of such work, and any doubt concerning the results of it, as well as, any kind of fear of this processing; you will eliminate each resistance, disbelief and fear, replacing processed material with optimal energy for us.
In addition, you will process, by using mechanism “Base Processor”, any our desire to influence, by the means of our imagination or habitual behavior, any results of work performed by this mechanism, our expectations and views on how the mechanism should work and what results it should give, replacing processed material with optimal energy for us.
1. Then, you will take material, every part of it and each aspect of it, listed in paragraph 2, and you will ask us the following questions:
Why do I have this material?
Why do I need this material?
What is the cause of this material?
What is the consequence of this material?
Based on what experience of ours did this material appear?
Why is this material important to me?
What unknown/unclear does this material contain?
What disturbs this material?
What have I created based on this material?
What feelings, emotions, and sensations in the body did I experience in relation to this material?
How do those emotions, feelings, sensations in the body affect me?
What processes does this material prevent?
How can I use this material?
How did I find out about this material?
What bodily clamps, tensions, cramps or blocks do I have in relation to this material?
What are the episodes, where this material is present?
What fear, apprehension or anxiety do I have in relation to this material?
What protest/resistance do I have in relation to this material?
What agreements associated with this material do I have?
What parts of me are associated with this material?
What universes were created in relation to this material?
What objectives, requirements, expectations, identities, aspirations or desires are associated/connected with this material?
What coercion or repression is associated/connected with this material?
What rejection or resistance is associated with this material?
What unforgiveness, shame, guilt, anger, irritation, condemnation, claim or envy do I have in association/connection with this material?
What people are associated with this material?
What values are associated with this material?
What beliefs, tenets or opinions do I have in association/connection with this material?
What resources, intentions, efforts, thoughts, lessons, activities, perceived or not perceived information, communications, words and parts of words, constructions of the words or parts of them, memes are associated with this material?
What did I perceive in association/connection with this material?
Under what circumstances of life did this material take place?
What is my benefit from the fact that I possess this material?
What goals can I set after dealing with this material?
What can I do today for reaching those goals?
What associations in relation to this material do I have?
Who else has this material?
Who wants this material to exist in us?
Who will be against us getting rid of this material?
Who supports this material in us?
What social connections does this material create?
And you will process each response of ours in the following way: you will process, by using the mechanism "Base Processor", this response and all the related thoughts, emotions, bodily sensations, images, efforts, identifications and solutions, replacing processed material with optimal energy for us. You will be repeating this procedure up to a point, when it is impossible to get any response to the questions above.
2. By the material, in this mechanism, is understood the episodes that took place in the past (both in current and in past lives), in the future (both in current and in future lives), and those, which took place in-between lives, when:
We wanted to change our life
We didn’t want to change anything in our life
We didn’t know how to change our life
We tried to change our life, but failed
Change was important for us
We were afraid of changes
Changes were making us feel uncomfortable
We saw someone who wanted to change his/her life
Someone told us: “It is time to change your life”
Someone told us: “It is time to change my life”
We were always dissatisfied with something in our life
We were always noticing something negative in our life
We thought that things are going wrong
We wanted to control our life
We thought we are capable to control our life
We thought that we are incapable to control our life
We thought that if we really want something we will get it for sure
We felt negative emotions/feelings when we didn’t get an object of our desire
We didn’t want to be controlled by life and destiny
We didn’t want to be controlled by other people
We couldn’t relax
Our hyper-control didn’t allow us to relax
We lived according the principle: “activity is life”
We thought that until we change our life, nothing is important
We thought that we will not be happy until we change our life
We never understood people, who were happy with their lives and never wanted to change it
The chase for changes became dependence for us
We had no powers/strengths to change our life
Unconscious beliefs didn’t let us change our life
We wanted someone to change our life
We wanted something to change our life
We were waiting for our life to change
We didn’t want to perform any actions to change our life
3. You will process any kind thoughts, fears, pain, fantasy, anger, hatred, pity, and other reactions, which appeared while reading the material above. You will put appeared material into this exact point for further processing.
You will perform the processing of each piece of the appeared material, without exception, by the mechanism "Base Processor", replacing processed material with optimal energy for us.
After that , you will locate dissociated/separated parts of our personality, sub-personalities, identities, aspects of personality that became separated as a result of those episodes; without exception, all parts of our personality, sub-personalities , aspects of personality, identities, which were the cause or the consequence of the material above, or which were in any way participating in the material above, you will perform the processing of this material on behalf of each of those parts, without exception, by using the mechanism "Base Processor", replacing processed material with optimal energy for us. Then, you will integrate each of these parts of our personality, sub-personalities, aspects of personality and identities with us by using the mechanism "Merge".
After that, you will process all the people, creatures, spirits, essences, both material and immaterial, which were involved in the material above with the help of the mechanism “Auto-Castaneda” and replace processed material with optimal energy for us.
This mechanism will be deactivated, and the instruction will expire automatically after all the material available to us has been processed with the mechanism "Changes". If necessary, we may temporary suspend processing, by pronouncing a key phrase “Changes STOP".
You will process the material fully autonomously and automatically for us, both during our sleep and waking state, without causing harm to our sleep and to our functioning in the waking state. The processing of the material will be performed as gently and painlessly as possible. You will also process disbelief in the possibility of such work, and any doubt concerning the results of it, as well as, any kind of fear of this processing, any negative emotions or emotional states, as well as any resistance, we may have in relation to this processing, by the mechanism "Base Processor", replacing processed material with optimal energy for us.
All the work related to the processing of this material will be done in 3 days or less of the earth time since the initial activation of this mechanism. Distribution and allocation of processing load on our body will be made as equal as possible, to avoid overloads. The start of the handling mechanism, as well as the stop (after pronouncing the above-defined key phrases), will be indicated by the means of yawning of our body.
OUR subconscious, we thank you for the performed work. You will always follow the instruction above and perform all the processing most effectively and safely. And we highly respect you and are very grateful to you for what you are doing and for being our devoted servant.
End of instructions.