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Mega Merge

Mega Merge


“Mega Merge" is created for those, who would like to process dualities in a “more” automatic way. Mega Merge follows the rules of mechanisms, where you can inset material into the body of mechanism (as “Auto-Kicker”), just grab the list of dualities you want to process and insert them into the tagged area in the “Mega Merge’s” body (or switch between the sources while reading). Don’t forget, you need to re-read and re-launch this mechanism with every new compiled list of dualities.

Instruction START


This is the instruction for you, OUR subconscious.


This instruction installs the procedure for the material processing “Mega Merge”.


From the moment of activation of the procedure described in this instruction after pronouncing, aloud or to OURselves, a special phrase “Mega Merge Start” you will start carrying out a fully autonomous and automatic processing by the following algorithm:


You will eliminate, by using the mechanism "Base Processor", any kind of resistance to the neutralization of the dualities listed below, any disbelief in the possibility of such neutralization, and any doubt concerning the results of such neutralization, as well as, any kind of fear of this neutralization; you will eliminate each resistance, disbelief and fear, replacing processed material with optimal energy for us.


In addition, you will process, by using mechanism “Base Processor”, any our desire to influence, by the means of our imagination or habitual behavior, neutralization of any duality performed by this mechanism, our expectations and views on how the mechanism should work and what results it should give, replacing processed material with optimal energy for us.


2. After that, you will process each duality listed below by using the mechanism “Merge”:




You will be processing each listed duality until the complete elimination of any existing charge between them is performed, that is, until the moment they become totally inseparable.


You will be bringing all the necessary insights, knowledge, skills and experiences, which arise during the processing to our conscious level as gently and painlessly as possible.


This mechanism will be deactivated, and the instruction will expire automatically after all the material available to us has been processed with the mechanism "Mega Merge ". If necessary, we may temporary suspend processing, by pronouncing a key phrase “Mega Merge STOP".


You will process the material fully autonomously and automatically for us, both during our sleep and waking state, without causing harm to our sleep and to our functioning in the waking state. The processing of the material will be performed as gently and painlessly as possible. You will also process disbelief in the possibility of such work, and any doubt concerning the results of it, as well as, any kind of fear of this processing, any negative emotions or emotional states, as well as any resistance, we may have in relation to this processing, by the mechanism "Base Processor", replacing processed material with optimal energy for us.


All the work related to the processing of this material will be done in 1 day or less of the earth time since the initial activation of this mechanism. Distribution and allocation of processing load on our body will be made ​​as equal as possible, to avoid overloads. The start of the handling mechanism, as well as the stop (after pronouncing the above-defined key phrases), will be indicated by the means of yawning of our body.


OUR subconscious, we thank you for the performed work. You will always follow the instruction above and perform all the processing most effectively and safely. And we highly respect you and are very grateful to you for what you are doing and for being our devoted servant.


End of instructions.

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